Patriarch Dioscorus of Alexandria

April 11, 2023

Hot off the Press: Patriarch Dioscorus of Alexandria!

Volker Menze just published his monograph on Patriarch Dioscorus of Alexandria: The Last Pharaoh and Ecclesiastical Politics in the Later Roman Empire under the auspices of Oxford Early Christian Studies.

The book provides the first serious historical analysis of Dioscorus as an ecclesiastical politician and reformer, exploring later Roman imperial politics and its mechanisms for implementing 'Orthodoxy'. It also revises Dioscorus' role in the Christological Controversy and reframes key events in early Christian history, such as the Council of Chalcedon and the so-called 'Robber-council', as well as offering new insights into Cyril of Alexandria's tenure as patriarch.

Students and faculty at the Department offer Volker their warmest congratulations!